I 'm not concerned by the remark as my posts are shorter and shorter
aligot ripounsous
JoinedPosts by aligot ripounsous
Friends, when you make very long posts, please do make paragraphs or
by asilentone ini will not read them.
Leolaia: Where is your story?
by pirata ini looked through your posts but couldn't find your life story.
have you written it?.
i would love to read your progression from/through jw to avid scholar :).
aligot ripounsous
Thank you Leolaia for clinging to this forum, we do need your erudition. I bet we are many on here who have made a compilation of your so interesting and learnt articles about the cross, book of Henoch, etc. Thanks again.
Thousands of people have come and gone from this site....is this part of the healing process???
by Witness 007 ini see alot of new names here lately and if you look at the log on names here there are thousands who have moved on....every 2 years the posters change.....some vent and leave, others stay on for years.
i guess moving on with your life is a good thing, i think this site helps...any thoughts?.
aligot ripounsous
I've never been a prolific poster but when I started on JWD I was still attending meetings, so I was able to give first hand witness about what I was hearing, readind and thinking during these meetings, but as time has gone by I've felt that I had said about everything I wanted to say and I don't feel for repeating the same things again and again. I still see JWN as a good source of information about what's going on in the WT micro world, telling myself, though, that this organisation is not worth the time I spend inquiring about its pettiness.
In the past, FAKE newspaper coverage of WT "International Conventions" in the US
by AndersonsInfo inmany people that post or lurk here at jwn are too young to remember some of the huge international conventions jws held many years ago, but probably have seen impressive photos such as of the 1958 eight-day convention held simultaneously at new yorks yankee stadium and polo grounds.
especially remarkable was the tremendous newspaper coverage of that assembly and other special conventions held in the 1940s and 50s in the united states.
yesterday, when i downloaded somebodys old scrapbook full of long-ago newspaper articles, http://www.archive.org/details/watchtowernewsscrapbook,reporting on jehovahs witnesses so-called international conventions, i couldnt help but remember what i wrote regarding extraordinary newspaper convention coverage in my www.freeminds.org article, how jehovahs witnesses watchtower religion impacted my family history, part 3 and thought id share the information here on jwn for those who are not familiar with how such wonderful coverage came about.
aligot ripounsous
I remember popular English papers being sold outside Twickenham stadium, around 1978, with such front page large headline as "JWS TAKE THE PLUNGE" and JWs all exited buying those papers at the end of the assembly thinking, as Barbara mentioned, what a wonderful witness was given to outsiders.
I Went to the KH on Saturday
by snowbird ini needed to get a picture of my daughter all dressed up in her bridesmaid gown.. she looked lovely - tastefully made up and just radiant.. i stepped across the threshold and felt ... nothing.. i saw some people from back in the day who did not recognize me, or pretended they didn't.. that was just fine.. unless my daughter opts for a kh wedding, i'm done for good.. thanks to y'all for listening.. syl.
aligot ripounsous
Since it is confession time, Snowbird, I have to say that I, and children, accompanied my wife to meetings, and the sunday assembly, during our holiday in Martinique, so that she would not feel lonely. I was amused, daughter was bored to death and son was checking girls. In the end, we did get out of the KH safe and sound, so attending as visitors was not such of a big deal, even a good way to take the measure of the distance between current serenity and past inner angry boiling (for me at least). Hope your daughter's wedding was a success, a happy day to remember. I hope, too, that you feel regenerated after this little vacation off JWN.
Britains M.O.D no longer looking for E.T's
by wobble infor over 50 years ,britain's ministry of defence has had a unit that investigated u.f.o sightings and the like, they have just shut the unit down.. they say that out of all the thousands of cases they have investigated, not one led them to believe there was any evidence for et's etc.. wot about all them crop circles then ?.
aligot ripounsous
Crop circles are back,
Since these perfectly designed patterns pop up overnight in August, can one of our Southern England friends stay mounting guard, see and tell us who's the mischiever, settling the case once and for all ?
Am I bad for doing that?
by asilentone insometimes when i see insect here in my home, i just put a drinking glass over it and let it die slowly.
am i that cruel?
aligot ripounsous
I do the same with a plastic goblet but then I slid a piece of paper under the opening of the goblet and throw the insect (except mosquitoes and big black flies which I squash mercilessly) to the garden, through the window. I'm sure the god of spiders, ants and moths gives me credit for that and will remember my good deeds. May be these bugs will intercede on my behalf on the day of judgement, who knows ? Helps me to sleep soundly, not thinking of these dying little things.
Is There (Was There Ever) an Anglo American Dual World Power?
by BluesBrother inif you live in the u s a or the united kingdom, this is how the wt society views your government, your nation :-.
yes, as an ugly, evil terrifying beast !
this is based on the book of revelation chapter 13 , quoted as follows in the revelation climax book.
aligot ripounsous
Was it a slip or a freudian slip ? Dave Cameron seemed to have his own idea on the subject when, reportedly, he considered the UK as having been the junior partner to the US during WW2. Unfair and too harsh to the British people, IMO, who stood alone against Germany during the battle of England.
Growing Up With Violence
by compound complex init was not a light slam of flesh and bone against a slanting wall of the derelict cabin.. animal rage set its talons upon an unsuspecting, trusting child and sent her hurtling into the air and, upon impact with the splintery cedar paneling, edging downward, painfully downward by a stop-go motion that could hardly be described as sliding.
landed in a shocked but still breathing heap, she lay quiet until the beast left its lair.
once out the ill-hung door and into the labyrinthine wood that all but put the tiny speck of four rotting walls safely off the map, mommy went to work.
aligot ripounsous
beating a child was more accepted, her Catholic upbringing...
the film that won the Palme d'Or at the 2009 festival de Cannes, the White Ribbon by Michael Haneke, aims at showing, according to some critics, how the strict, and even brutal protestant way of raising children in pre-1914 northern Germany has spawned a violent generation, the one which supported nazism a few years later. So, let's be fair with catholicism, I was a catholic for 30 years, did spank my children moderately and they don't seem to resent, as far as I know.
Growing Up With Violence
by compound complex init was not a light slam of flesh and bone against a slanting wall of the derelict cabin.. animal rage set its talons upon an unsuspecting, trusting child and sent her hurtling into the air and, upon impact with the splintery cedar paneling, edging downward, painfully downward by a stop-go motion that could hardly be described as sliding.
landed in a shocked but still breathing heap, she lay quiet until the beast left its lair.
once out the ill-hung door and into the labyrinthine wood that all but put the tiny speck of four rotting walls safely off the map, mommy went to work.
aligot ripounsous
Sorry, I had second thoughts and didn't want to be too specific, so I edited my post, thanks anyway for replying.